Christ, the Healer (an Important Christian Riddle)**

The following is a riddle.

How is it that Christianity does not allow you to be a pain in the neck, nor, when discussing something, can you add insult to injury?

How is it, in Christianity, you can have no axe to grind, nor can you be armed to the teeth if you did? Why does Christianity not allow you to be neither bald faced liars nor bad to the bone?

How is it that Christianity does not allow you to blow our own horn? (Even if, regarding an issue, you grabbed the bull by the horns and overcame it!) Why aren’t Christians allowed to bring up a subject that opens up a can of worms, and then, if they did, why aren’t they allowed to have a chip on their shoulders?

And, if you are a Christian, why are you not allowed to be bent out of shape? And, finally, why aren’t Christians allowed to be caught with their hands in the cookie jar?

For the answer, please click here then, if a new tab was opened, simply close the tab to return to the blog–or, if no new tab was opened, just use your back arrow to return.

Christianity MUST be exciting! If it isn’t, then you’ve probably got God in a box, inside some sort of set parameter in which you cannot see His awesome miraculous glory. And that is a pity. It means you have fallen asleep (like the following man in the third pew of his church from The Babylon Bee…) Click on the Babylon Bee logo below to see the article at their site.



Local Man Enjoys Deep Sabbath Rest In Third Pew

CHARLOTTE, NC—Taking seriously the Lord’s command to honor the Sabbath rest Sunday morning, local man Michael Park piously took part in a restful Sabbath nap in the third pew of First United Methodist Church, witnesses confirmed Monday.
Onlookers claimed Park sang several of the church’s opening songs before completely conking out in the first five minutes of Reverend Pinkman’s sermon, in a spiritual symbol of the rest we have in Christ.

I recently read (sorry, I can’t remember where), that healing is one of the main things that draws people to the saving grace of the Lord. When one is healed, a tremendous relief and joy surges through the individual and they want to thank the Healer and get to know Him on a deeply personal level. That leads to salvation and is, therefore, far from boring.

I want to find an appropriate book to dig through for some God-Ore. Looking now. I’m drawn to Christ the Healer by F.F. Bosworth. It is one of those oldies but goodies. In perusing the reviews, I see that it is a book many claim is one of the best out there building faith to claim Jesus’ healing power now. Sounds like a book for me. Searching for a quote, now, that specifically deals with the “if” that many add to their prayers for healing: IF it be God’s will. The “if” waters down the faith so important to victorious healing. Should have a quote soon.

Bosworth points out that the Gospels contain the teachings and works of Christ. He continues:

He (Jesus) was the expression of the Father’s will. His life was both a revelation and a manifestation of the unchanging love and will of God. He literally acted out the will of God for Adam’s race. He said, “I came down from heaven, not to do my will, but the will of him that sent me.” “The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” He also said, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.”

That said, Bosworth tells us of a study the then very conservative Episcopalian church* did through an appointed commission on spiritual healing. They reported back to the church, (after a three years of research) the following information:

“The healing of the sick by Jesus was done as a revelation of God’s will for man.” Because they discovered that His will is fully revealed, they further said, “No longer can the Church pray for the sick with the faith-destroying, qualifying phrase ‘If it be Thy will.'”

I believe I dug up a pretty significant God-Ore with that. Jesus frequently said, “Your faith has made you whole.” Do you feel you’d like to drop, “If it by Thy will” from your prayers for healing?

I’ll end this blog with the assurance that Jesus Christ heals and that He is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. Hallelujah!

We’ll want to look into why people who pray sometimes don’t get healed (at least on the physical level). That’s future mining material for sure. God bless!

Please enjoy my poem, “Jesus” and I’ll talk with you on Thursday. God bless.

*The church has since chosen some openly gay individuals for leadership positions which has caused some splintering of the church but that is another topic.

Published by: godminer

My wife, Eva, and I have two albums of original songs on YouTube. We have many books on Amazon. Some of those books have been made into audio books available at We love the creative energy God gives us to share His word. Enjoy this site! I have set a goal of having a blog twice a week--Tuesdays and Fridays in which I explore the deep deep love of the Lord.

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