Stability Supersized

The earth whirls around the sun, spinning, dancing almost, as our whole solar system advances around the slowly twirling Milky Way Galaxy we inhabit.

The stability of God is greater than any mechanistic observation we can make. Any physical foundation is merely a shadow of God’s TRUE foundation found in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Love as emanating from mankind has many flaws. They include but are not limited to possessive love, unforgiving love, loving to get, etc. But God’s love is pure. God’s love is stable. God’s love has no limits.

Beyond the physical universe, residing deep in our hearts, God’s perfection is only potential (like a seed) but it is there. We water it with our focus. Despite appearances to the contrary, God’s potential in us overcomes via our focus, our desire to know Him, our belief.

Belief is a strong detriment, but it is also a strong encouragement. We choose what we will believe. We water the seed of God or we water the seed of darkness. Which will it be? What shall we believe? Shall our belief send us spiraling down into the pit of hell or shall our belief catapult us up into the arms of Jesus, our savior, our shepherd?

Our foundation does not rest on appearances. Appearances deceive. Appearances put a cloud cover over God’s potential just waiting to save us from dire circumstances. Amazingly we can step back from our involvement in appearances and choose to see through the eyes of Christ who knew only life, only joy, only healing love.

If we were limited only by what we saw, we wouldn’t be able to step back, step out of the picture, so to speak and re-think the situation. We would be forever trapped by our surroundings, subject only to their results. But we are NOT subject only to appearances, are we? Try it and you’ll see. Next time you are deeply involved in a seemingly endless cycle of negativity, stop, take a deep breath and re-think with God knowing that with Him all things are possible and watch as peace envelopes you and a calm assurance from the Holy Spirit re-boots your life and takes you out of your dream of death. Just watch!

Meet Reality and let Jesus overcome death for you, through you. Let the world’s reality be infused with God’s Reality and you’ll see the world’s reality disappear (as if nothing was there at all).

Share the vision, folks. Live the truth. Don’t just study theory. Put Jesus firmly in your life. Let His strength be yours!

Published by: godminer

My wife, Eva, and I have two albums of original songs on YouTube. We have many books on Amazon. Some of those books have been made into audio books available at We love the creative energy God gives us to share His word. Enjoy this site! I have set a goal of having a blog twice a week--Tuesdays and Fridays in which I explore the deep deep love of the Lord.

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